Panduan daftar online belanja registrasi member distributor Nu Skin Galvanic

Panduan daftar online belanja registrasi member distributor Nu Skin

Panduan daftar online belanja registrasi member distributor Nu Skin Galvanic

  1. Ke situs Pilih “MASUK” & pilih “Daftar hari ini”

daftar member nu skin Panduan daftar online belanja registrasi member distributor Nu Skin

Pilih “Account


Isi “ID Sponsor”
ID Sponsor adalah ID upline Anda yang mengajak Anda bergabung Nu Skin
Pastikan diisi semua informasi dengan benar

Cara Mendaftar Menjadi Member Nu Skin
Cara Mendaftar Menjadi Member Nu Skin

Pilih “Saya setuju untuk syarat & ketentuan” & pilih “I would like to receive special promotional emails” untuk menerima email dari Nu Skin tentang program, promo dan acara
Pilih “Lanjutkan”

daftar member nu skin

PANDUAN BELANJA ONLINE NU SKIN Panduan daftar online belanja registrasi member distributor Nu Skin Galvanic

Ke situs

Pilih “MASUK”
Isi “Alamat Email” & “Kata Sandi”
Pilih tombol LOG IN
Pilih “SHOP”, Pilih produk “Nu Skin” atau “Pharmanex” yang diinginkan.

Cara Mendaftar Menjadi Member Nu Skin

Pilih produk yang diinginkan

daftar member nu skin


daftar member nu skin

Jika ingin menambah produk lain bisa pilih “Tas Belanja”
Cara menambah produk, bisa langsung mengisi di

Contoh: Mau tambah pasta gigi Nu Skin dengan ketik “Ap24”
Pilih “AP24 Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste”


Pilih metode pengiriman yang Anda inginkan dan pastikan alamat Anda sudah benar.

Pilih “Melanjutkan”

daftar member nu skin

Pilih metode

“Pembayaran Kartu Kredit, Transfer ATM dan Lainnya”
Pilih “Melanjutkan”
Pilih “Melakukan Pemesanan”

daftar member nu skin

Pilih metode

pembayaran: “BCA Virtual Account”
Pilih “Pay Now”

Pilihan BCA Virtual Account

Pilih opsi pembayaran Anda:

• Mobile Banking
• Internet Banking
• Klik BCA Bisnis

Bergabung Member Nu Skin

Welcome to Velocity by Nu Skin®—a sales performance program that offers flexible options to fit your lifestyle, gives fast rewards that keep you motivated, and empowers you to build your fulfilling future your way.

Want to earn some extra money sharing your favorite Products with friends? Maybe you dream of becoming your own boss? No matter your goals, your Nu Skin journey will be distinct to you. Which is why with Velocity, you choose your path— and your pace.

Just imagine the possibilities of having access to products like the Galvanic Spa and Nu Skin’s revolutionary new anti-aging discovery, ageLOC.  Imagine how huge the market for these products can be.  And now, imagine the opportunity this represents for you.


  • The convergence of trends, combined with our unique and proprietary business opportunity and the discovery of ageLOC presents a new and unparalleled financial opportunity
  • People want to LIVE YOUNG
  • ageLOC science targets the ULTIMATE SOURCES of aging
  • 26 years of experience in developing ground-breaking products
  • Our global distribution capability and sales compensation plan